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How to apply

You can apply for the Doctorate in Neuroscience throughout the academic year through the web portal of the Vice-Rector's Office for Postgraduate Studies (VIPO) of the University of Santiago de Chile.

First, you must enter:


After applying through the website, you must do the following:

  • Take a written exam of knowledge, concept management, and ability to analyze scientific information, made up of written, analysis, or calculation questions
  • Make an oral presentation in front of the committee of an ad hoc scientific article, published in a mainstream magazine, that allows you to prove reading comprehension in the English language, critical capacity, basic training, and management of concepts in Neuroscience.
  • Once the process is completed, if you satisfactorily meet the requirements defined by the Program, you will have a personal interview, the nature of which will be defined by the Doctoral Program Committee (CPD), where the relevance of your academic background will be evaluated.


Application documents

To apply for the Program, whether you are a national or foreign applicant, you must include the following documents in the online process:

  • Application letter addressed to the Program Director.
  • Certificate of undergraduate grades (and of Master's degree if applicable), and position upon graduation (ranking) relative to their generation.
  • Bachelor's certificate or professional title in areas related to the doctorate.
  • Online application through the web portal of the Postgraduate Directorate.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation in the pre-established format.